Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Thirty Year Reunion

Last fall I attended the 30 year reunion for the class of 1978. It was a hoot. We told stories and laughed until our sides ached.
I graduated from a small rural high school. There were 30 people in our class. I was related to about a quarter of the class and several of the teachers. Because we were a small high school everyone was involved in as many activities as they wanted or as their parents would permit. Every able bodied man that wanted to be part of the football team played on the team. If the football coach could have worked out separate showers there were several females he would have recruited also. Because we were so small people who played sports also participated in drama and music. When we went to speech and drama contests around the state we competed against the big schools. The speech and drama contestants from the large schools were much more flamboyant people than we ever met.
By the time we graduated we knew each other pretty well. It's fun to get together and vistit and find out what everyone is doing. Our last reunion alot of people who live close didn't bother to come but we managed to have a fun time.
The most memorable conversation involved Trudi, wing commander in the space cadet corps. You know her, the cheer leader who always dated upper class men. Who had to have the teacher's jokes explained to her. She's the one whose junior prom dress still fits her. She was there with husband #2. We were going down the list of people who weren't there and filling in where they were living and what they were doing. Someone mentioned that Kenyon was living with wife #2 in Santa Clara, near St George. Trudi speaks up and says, "I like St George. That's
where I'm going to find my third husband." We all laughed and laughed. Trudi was bewildered and then it dawned on her what she had said. As she fumbled around trying to extract her foot out of her mouth, June, one the more out spoken members told her, " I know I've said this to you before, JUST SHUT UP." We laughed some more.

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