Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ghost Story

Roland Rose's grandfather built the victorian gingerbread ranch house during the early 1900s. Two generations later, the ranch fell on hard times so Roland sold the ranch with the house to Burke Heaton. The Heaton family consisted of 14 children 12 of whom were still at home. Burke had been a dairy farmer until development squeezed him out. He sold out and bought a cattle ranch.

Until the Heatons moved in, the house had been rented out to a long string tempory residents and was down at heel. The Heatons moved in and started restoring the house. All the activity raised the resident ghost. The ghost started wandering through the house looking for "James". When the house was relatively quiet, the ghost would go in and out of rooms and ask, "Is James here?" If someone replied that James was not there the ghost would excuse himself. The Heatons built addition to house. During construction they found a bottle with ashes in it. They kept the bottle in bathroom until the bottle broke. When the bottle broke the ghost left never to be heard from again.

Did he find James? There are those who claim that the spirit world is very close to our mortal physical world. There are those who can see. For some reason that young man did not rest easy in the spirit world. There must have been something left undone here that he felt was important enough to come back to do.

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