Thursday, January 21, 2010


Mendacious Smith came into this world as the result of a chance meeting between an intergalatic ladies apparel salesman and the farmer's daughter. Smith's maternal grandmother named him Mendacious after his mother died giving birth still believing that her salesman would return. Grandmother had a strong streak of puritan in her psyke.

Mendacious was a long handle and was soon shortened to Mend. Mend lived with his grandparents on the farm during his growing up years. Farming didn't appeal much to Mend, it was too much like work. At school Mend discovered the world of words and he was entranced. Spoken or written it didn't matter Mend became a master of words. He wasn't always particular about the truth, but his words always had a ring to them. They served him well. Mend didn't have to work very hard for what he wanted.

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